Rey Kamal

Standart for Entrepreneurs
Man of Honor: 8 Lessons That Set the Standard for Entrepreneurs
Did you know Astra International was started by just four people? And that its first...
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Indonesia VAT increase
Is Indonesia’s VAT Increase the Right Move for 2025?
As we edge closer to January 2025 news of Indonesia's VAT increase from 11% to...
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Indonesia BPO 2.0
Indonesia: The Next BPO 2.0 in the Making?
I was rereading Lee Kuan Yew's words in his book: One Man's View of the...
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Indonesia F&B Problem
The Hidden Problem in Indonesian F&B Finance Workflows
For years, I worked in the trenches of accounting departments, balancing books and making sense...
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Financial Operations for F&B
Simplifying Fin-Ops for F&B: Why It’s Time to Move Beyond Spreadsheets (and Endless Labor-Hours) to Reconcile
In Indonesia, the food and beverage F&B industry is a lifeblood of our economy, growing...
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Startup Bubble Burst
After the Startup Bubble Burst: A New Era of Progress?
Not long ago, tech startup were the darlings of the pandemic economy. Companies like Zoom...
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Strategi dalam memperluas Merek Lokal di ranah internasional
Merek Lokal “Go International”? Bisa!
Indomie, Eiger, Tolak Angin, Erigo... Siapa yang tak kenal dengan merek-merek ini? Sebelum menjadi merek...
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Seni dalam mengembangkan ide bisnis
Seni “Pitching” Ide Bisnis
Tak hanya merupakan sebuah istilah dalam permainan baseball, ‘pitching’ juga menjadi salah satu makanan sehari-hari...
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Serba Serbi Pajak Kenikmatan
Serba-Serbi Pajak Kenikmatan
Let’s say someone’s an influencer. Mereka memiliki puluhan juta pengikut di media sosialnya, dan menggunakan...
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Media Sosial
Pengusaha Bisa Terjangkit “FOMO” Medsos !
Jika seorang pengusaha tak punya media sosial untuk usahanya, kemungkinan orang tersebut kehilangan momen untuk...
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