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Tips Accounting, Bookkeeping dan Tax untuk membantu anda memahami bisnis anda

S3E03: Creators Meets Commerce : The Future of Content Creation with Ario Tamat
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Ario Tamat, CEO & Co-Founder of Karyakarsa.com, a platform designed to help content creators turn their work into a sustainable income stream while maintaining control over their intellectual property.

Ario has been at the forefront of Indonesia’s creator economy, finding innovative ways to support artists, writers, and creators in building careers on their terms.

As the global creator economy surges—valued at $156.37 billion in 2024 and expected to grow to $528.39 billion by 2030 (CAGR: 22.5%)—this episode unpacks how creators can thrive in this rapidly evolving landscape.

Listen in to hear Ario’s insights on:
🌟 Building sustainable revenue models for creators.
🌟 Navigating the challenges of intellectual property in a digital world.
🌟 The future of content creation and monetization.

Hit play and explore how commerce meets creativity in the era of the creator economy! 💡

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#Podcast #CreatorsMeetsCommerce #Entrepreneurship #ContentCreation #IntellectualProperty
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